
i am really new to this site although i have looked at it several times for different things but this morning i woke with this pulsing in my eyes exactly the same, as described i have had it on and off for years now, I can see my pulse in bottome of both eyes beating in time with my heart beat especially if i look at white walls or anything light, i too have had all checks on my eyes, but i do suffer with migraine and i have glaucoma in both eyes and a cataract - but through all these checks when i have mentioned to consultants etc the pulsing no-one knows what i am talking about so its obviously not anything to do with eye disease as such, why i have woken up like this this morning i dont know, just completely freaked out now but i am so glad (i dont mean glad you have it cos its horrible) but glad that i am not the only one with this, i have calmed down now hope this helps - its has helped me, i know the post/thread is old not sure quite how this works yet) but thanks.
