Although I realise most of you probably think I am worrying about nothing and overreacting, I am getting more and more panicky and distressed about K.

There was no sign of her on any forum yesterday, which is very unusual, as she goes to one a know at least once a day and often several times during the day. I also did not hear from her.

I hardly slept for thinking about her but was hoping you were all going to be right and she would be around today. However, there is still no sign of her at all.

I am so scared that she has had an accident, or someone has hurt her, or she is seriously ill. She might even have been killed and I would never know:(.

I don't know what to do. I can't stop thinking about her and I am so very totally distraught right now. She has been taken from me and I'll never hear from her again. I can't cope with that. Without her I don't even want to go on.

I am so scared. What has happened to her? I need to know she is OK>


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.