Hi Folks.

As anyone who read my lengthy post a short while back will know, I've had an awful time with my panic / anxiety of late.

I went to see a new GP (that is, a GP at the same surgery, but none of my family has ever seen her) on Wednesday, and after a bit of a talk, she has prescribed Fluoxetine (20mg daily). I had spent a good 3 years on Citalopram (40mg daily) in the past, but have not been on any meds for about 18 months, perhaps longer. They seemed OK, but not brilliant (in over 7 years, no drug or CBT has ever done much for my panic attacks). The issue was that Citalopram caused problems with my pain releif, being an inhibitor of a cytocrhome that metabalised the painkiller, thus reducing it's effectiveness.

Anyway, Fluoxetine it is. I was wondering how other people have got on with the drug, especially those with panic and anxiety? By far the most terrifying symptom for me is the chest pains and strange heartbeats (most medical folk call them ectopics - although I'm not sure what they are). I've not taken any Fluoxetine yet, as I am a little aprehensive about doing so. I know many meds make things worse before getting better, but I am pretty much beyond the limit of coping with things as they are, and don't think I could handle getting any worse.

I'd be grateful for any advice, or experiences from other folk who have similar problems, and have been prescribed Fluoxetine.

