Hi everyone been a while since i last posted well i have had the results from my CT scan on my heart and been told that there is nothing wrong with it which is good but have been told that i have to lower my cholesterol as its 6.5 so i had a chat with my Gp about doing it naturally and she says she will give me 3 months to try and get it down by 0.5 if it goes down it will show im heading the right way and i wont have to take statins the thing that confuses me is that i have been told that my heart is fine but im having trouble believing it as i get what i call hot/sore spots on the left side of my chest and i have convinced myself that at 37 im to old to get fit and lose weight and live a long and healthy life i think im going to die before im 45 and this puts me off trying to get fit and lose weight in fact ive put 5lb in 2 weeks i dont know if tthis is my deppresion causing this or anxiety i just dont have any motivation i really could do with some good advice