I am very worried about my mum. She is 60 and has been suffering the usual menopausal symptoms of hot flushes, sweats and tiredness. A couple of weeks ago however she was very ill for about 24 hours with heart flutters, vomiting and a general feeling of unwell. She put it down to the menopause, until Friday. She rushed herself up to hospital (silly I know she should have called an ambulance) with chest pain that spread down her left arm. Heart attack I thought (even though she has been very fit and healthy throughout her life!), but blood tests ruled it out. They released her without a definite answer with an out patients appointment for further tests. Today however she has had more heart flutters. Is this normal for the menopause or is it a sign of an underlying heart problem? Has anyone any experience with such things? It has been suggested that is may be Angina.
