I have a bad cold, i'm petrified it's turning into bronchitus again, i had it last year and i really sick on the phlegm (sorry tmi).

My sore throat has gone and i'm not sneezing as much, but i keep getting a raised temperature, earlier it was 37 & a half (A feaver is classed as 38), and i know a high temp is a symptom of bronchitus.
It isnt consistantly high though.

I'm coughing quite alot, like a chest cough today instead of the tickly cough i was having a few days ago.

I have loads of phlegm in my throat which im constantly coughing up, theres so much at times though that its causing me to have panic attacks because i had this when i had bronchitus, it just kept coming up in masses until i choked on it and was sick.
i'm petrified of it happening again, i've been drinking tea, lemsip, using vicks on my nose and chest (on the packet it says rub on throat but i'm unsure of what that will do), ive had buttercup syrup and carvornia but nothing is easing my symptoms.
(Also is it safe to take buttercup and carvornia together? i dont want to incase i overdose or get sick from taking too much)

Is there anything anyone can recommend to get rid of this phlegm?

And any reassurance on the bronchitus anxieties?

Thank you