So this is my newest symptom ... I'm not even sure whether it's a symptom of anxiety, or I'm simply going mad.

When I feel stressed, depressed, panicky, low, I feel like my thought processes stop, I can't think anymore, I can't make my mind work. I want to think about something, but I just can't, my brain refuses to work. I'm afraid that at one point my mind will shut down, and I will zone out forever never to return to normal again. Is this possible?

I'm afraid that at one point things will get so negative, stressing, and overwhelming, that I won't be able to cope anymore. This is my biggest fear at the moment. I feel like I'm on the edge, my mind and my body are exhausted because of the 24/7 anxiety feeling. There are moments when I feel like I must have a panic attack, but I don't have any strength left to have it /that doesn't make much sense, but it's so hard to explain/. It's like those moments when you want to cry and you need to cry, but you are so tired that you can't do it.

Also, there's this other thing /now I'm going to moan lol/ ... recently, even the smallest problems make me feel extremely negative and depressed, huge anxiety, can't eat, can't sleep etc. For example: when I have even a slight disagreement with my boyfriend, when my parents criticize me or make a negative comment /such as "Your room is a mess, you have to clean it"/, bad news, etc. I constantly feel like a very bad person, I feel guilty about everything, and I feel like I always get only bad things happening to me /even though I know it's not true/. Last night, for example, I had a problem with my laptop keyboard and I had to use an external one, and I thought that it was the end of the world, that I have no luck, and that only bad things happen to me. I know it's exaggerated and dramatic, but that's how I felt. It's like every litle thing is just too much.

My parents think that I should definitely go back to the university. They said that I will either go back to the uni, or start work. And just thinking about that triggers panic.

Any comments, advice, etc. would be much appreciated.