hi all,

i know i shouldnt be worrying about something so far away but i really need...something..advice..im not sure.

well what im worrying about is the summer, when it comes and i feel all icky and hot. im scared of going to school in the heat incase someones ill..but then i think of good things like...where i feel fine in the past. i hate the long evening where we have the doors open and the suns going down and it takes ages to cool down and when it does its still hot. and when i get sunburnt, and i feel hot then...normally i put loads of suncream on so i dont get burnt that often. i kow its so far away and it will be over in no time like it normally is...its just when it is here i dont want to feel like i normally feel. id ask my mum to take my to a cold country for 6 weeks or something, but we cant afford it. and id hate to be away from home the long anyway, missing my cats and stuff. its just the heat and people being ill i dont like. Any Advice?

hugs Rachel xx