I think my fear is that I will end up heaving Meg, with the risk of that causing me to vomit. I know that just because we heave doesn't mean we are going to vomit, especially when the stomach isn't trying to reject something. It's just the emetaphobia making it feel like theirs more at stake.

I have definitely made massive progress since this all began but it would nice to be able to forget about it altogether. I am starting CBT therapy soon for the emetaphobia, I'm not sure if this will help or not.

Most days I have periods of globus hystericus is it? The painful lump in the throat feeling which makes the top of my back and ache (shoulders too).

Also due to having this hyper sensitivity with my throat, I think I'm going to find dentist appontments terrifying now, I did anyway but this is just going to make it all the more worse...
