after 10 years of taking every med under the sun for anxiety and depression i have had enough i am going to try life med free maybe this will be bad ? i am now weened down to 2.5 mg after a while i reduce dose every 6 months when i think i can cope (THINK BEING KEY WORD) my head goes to jelly on the right side when reducing dose how long does it last i forgot ?

also i have problems with being around people for long periods of time i start to drift off a little i feel like i need time to think and process my own thoughts , i hope people do not think i seem not with it does it mean if i feel that way people can notice ?? i hope not .

also i sometimes notice i say the wrong thing eg the bypass used to be smith road instead of the bypass which is smith road same thing used to be the railway line duh i notice myself making these bluffs sometimes but i worry i could be making them more often than i realsie ??? is it in my mind ?? would people tell me if i was making these bluffs all the time and not noticing ?? i hope they would