Hi Harli

It is nice they finally listened to you! I am 26 years old and I suffer from Tokophobia and the thought of getting pregnant petrifies me. I have even considered adoption but me and my husband would really like one of our own.

We are not ready for a child just yet but this phobia is taking over my life as I need to sort it now as I dont want to get to when we are ready and I still cant allow myself to get pregnant! I am in tears many days because of this as friends around me are having children and it hurts me to think I may never have that. I have a list of names and picture how I want the nursery but I know it may never come true. I can NEVER have a natural birth and so would prefer a c-section but I have read horror stories and am completely obsessed with the fact that mine would go wrong and if it didnt I am terrified at the thought of the pain that I may get after etc. It is really taking over my life but it is nice to see you are getting through this.

I have today set up my own forum for others that suffer with Tokophobia to give and receive support from others in our situation and hopefully receive some success stories.
