Hey Guys, Glad this is up and running again, is nice to chat. Thanks Nic and Alex and everyone else. Just wanted to say in the last week I have done so much more than I have in about 4 months. I have been out shopping 3/4 times, yesterday went to Princes St for the first time since June, it was megabusy but it was ok. Went back today and went to visit work for first time since Sep, was really nervous before I went in but it was fab and all really nice, they fine about me going part time for a while too which is great. Soo I am a happy bunny and I just hope it keeps going this way and keep improving. Hopefully I will make it to Venice at New Year, was worrying I was going to ruin the holiday but finger crossed I go now. Hope all you guys are doing well too and I hope you have a happy December and New year. Lots of Love Sus, xxxx

Nothing is predestined: The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings.
Ralph Blum