My health anxiety has pretty much gone these past few weeks but I've gone an got ill ;( I hardly ever get poorly (quite weird considerin I had rly bad health anxiety) so it's kinda settin me off again.

I was jus wonderin if your heart rate when you're poorly gets faster and/or harder cuz mine is! I'm really quite sick an I usually get teary an sad when I have a temperature anyway but I can't remember if my hearts supposed to do this or not an is freakin me out!

I walked up the stairs reeeeealy slowly to have a bath earlier and my heart was goin so hard an fast I could feel it in every inch of me, an I havnt bin anxious at all for over a week til now an I'm alone in the house til half 5 which is makin me worse. Jus wonderin if this is normal or not xx

EDIT: I jus had a really big scary palpitation/missed beat too and I havn't for ages is it common to get these more when your ill? Cuz thats made me rly scared aswell now lol. :(