
I am a new poster to this forum but have been lurking for the past few months and I have to say this place has been a godsend for my health anxiety.
Just to know they are people out there with the same worries and fears I have helps to make me feel not so alone.

I suffer from chronic health anxiety which in turn causes symptoms but I also suffer from several symptoms that I do not believe are caused by anxiety but are as yet undiagnosed.

Most recently I have been feeling slightly nauseous in the morning and have had a feeling of pressure in the left side of my head from about two inches above my ear to my left temple and the left side of my face sometimes feels numb.

This pain sometimes radiates to my neck and under my left ear and around my jaw and of course I am absolutely terrified that it could be a brain tumour.

I am shortsighted and I do usually wear glasses although I have been wearing them less frequently than normal recently so this could be something to do with it.

The only thing is I have had eyestrain from not wearing my glasses before and it didn't feel like this and I definately didn't feel sick.

I do have a decayed wisdom tooth that needs to come out but again the toothache I have suffered in the past felt nothing like this although it was horrendous.

Of course I am absolutely terrified that I have some sort of brain tumour and can't help thinking and worrying about it constantly, it's really decreasing the quality of my life and of course the anxiety is not helping.

Is there anyone out there who has had similar symptoms and has any advice for me as to what this could possibly be?

I really don't want to have to make another appointment with my doctor as although he is pleasant enough he always tells me it is anxiety which it probably is and makes me feel like a hypochondriac (which I admittedly am).

He has even sent me for blood tests before and an Echocardiogram due to some HA I had a few months back caused by shortness of breath/ racing heart/ dizziness.

Everything came back pretty normal, although at the time I had blood pressure a little on the high side but since I changed my diet it is now well within normal range at around 124/ 78.

However if these latest symptoms persist I will have to make an appointment as I just can't stand the worry. Either that or I will have to change my doctor to another at the practice.

If anyone has got any idea at all what this might be I would be eternally grateful.