
I am a 24 year old male who was diagnosed as a child with Thin Basement Membrane of the kidney, along with my two sisters (but not my brother). I had a biopsy, as did my sisters, and this was the diagnosis.

My father is also meant to have the same condition, however he ended up with kidney failure which progressed to dialysis and eventually a transplant. The doctors say that they don't know why he was unlucky, as most TBM patients don't end up with kidney failure.

I was told to have a yearly checkup of kidney function (blood pressure, blood test and urine test). However, a cowardly sense of fear stopped me from doing this since 2002.

However, this year I've suffered from health anxiety and couldn't go on anymore and went to my GP to have a test. The blood test came back as "normal" for kidney function but my urine sample was mixed up and I had to re-do it. On a separate matter, I ended up in the hospital A&E a couple of days ago and they gave me a urine test using a dipstick and the doctor told me there was "lots" of blood and protein in it. She didn't know much about TBM, but suggested chronic kidney failure. I also had a blood test at the hospital which came back normal.

Worried sick, I went to see my GP, who told me that this isn't necessarily a problem and that my urine sample would be sent off to the lab, where they'd be able to quantify how much was there. However, the results aren't back until next week, so I am incredibly anxious and concerned.

My question is have I got anything to be worried about? What's the worst case scenario? If I have chronic kidney failure, would I presumably be at an early stage? According to *********, the blood test may show as normal in the early stages.

I hope someone can help!