Bit of long story to this, bare with me.

So recently I've been going through an episode of bad anxiety due to reading something in a thread. It was a thread about certain paranoid tendencies and I was enjoying reading it, sharing laughs with others about it. But someone said "Is it bad that I've been through all these?". Someone responded saying how they went through all these and eventually they were diagnosed with schizophrenia.

As soon as I read that, a sudden rush of stress and worry came over me. I felt physically ill, especially my stomach. I then kept on researching about it for a couple days and I didn't have the signs but I was scared that I'm on the road to schizophrenia. The very thought of it made me terrified and completely helpless not knowing or who to go to.

Now before all of this had happened I played a game that really gave me the creeps (I'm scared of crustaceans) and whenever I encountered them in the game I would feel scared and when I stopped playing the game, I could still envision that big crustacean attacking me (or something else attacking me like in the game). I know its all in my head but sometimes I can't help it and it just pops in to my head. Once I read about that schizophrenia thing, my brain just overloaded in stress.

I'm 17 and am I crazy?