
My partner has recently been put on citalopram and I was just wondering whether anyone could give me any advice on how to help him at the moment, as things are extremley stressful. He is 24 and I am 21, I'm worried that I'm not old enough or mature enough to be able to deal with his up and down moments that are inevitable when starting citalopram.
I've also just found out that my 18 year old sister is pregnant so at the moment my mind is completley taken up with her. I don't want to put my partners problems to the back burner as they are just as important but I feel like I won't be able to do or say anything right and that I will just put him into a deeper state of depression :(
Please can people who are taking citalopram let me know how they wanted to be looked after and what their partners did to make them feel better?
I really don't want him to feel as if he's alone in this so your thoughts and advice would be appreciated.

