Hey guys, seems all ive done lately is post threads on here... thought i was getting a bit better .......
Just got over a nasty bought of ibs... if that is what they say it is...
Everyday i feel sick... i havent actually been sick for 2 weeks (yippee) but i feel sick.... got a bit of tummy ache with it today... i just cant understand why i am feeling sick... is it the ibs.. or is it my anxiety ?? or worse, undiagnosed cancer at 25.................
it is actually depressing me somewhat now.... im worried about going anywhere.. as ill feel sick or have tummy ache.... i just dont know what to do, ive been to the doctors... he said ibs and anxiety...
silly me just read something on mailonline about a lady who was diagnosed with ibs but it happened to be ovarian cancer............ Great....... so im worried out of my mind now with that..
Someone please help, i just dont know what to do :-(
