Let me explain something first--even though these are red flags, my GP is out for the rest of the day and will be in tomorrow morning. Of course I'll go see him. But right now I really want to hear a professional assessment of my condition:

So yesterday I had a relatively normal bowel movement. But then at the end I strained a bit to get a couple other pieces out. They looked black and tarry, and when I used a glove to pick them up, they "mashed up" into a red looking substance--possibly blood, I thought. Okay. Not a good sign. Let's see what else happens. This morning I had another bowel movement (felt constipated), and the whole stool was black and tarry. Bad sign. I called my doctor, he claimed that straining can cause blood in the stools.

Let me go over a few other circumstances:
-The day before yesterday, I had barely eaten anything. Whether this was laziness or loss of appetite, I can't say. All I can say is that I was very involved in watching Battlestar Galactica and being concerned about my health. The day prior, my appetite was completely normal.
-Yesterday all I had to eat was a bit of pulled pork in the afternoon and some chocolate-dough chocolate chip cookies. The rest of the day was a 14 hour drive from NY to MO.
-Last Thursday I got super wasted, threw up, and didn't form new memories after some point.
-Besides that, my stomach has felt relatively normal, except for a dull ache reminiscent of hunger.
-I JUST ate a bowl of honey nut cheerios without incident. No pain experienced while eating, or even after eating.

I'm really scared right now, because for 10 of the past 12 months I've had this anxiety disorder, I've become OCD about my poop, going through every false alarm about what could possibly be wrong with it, and yesterday the very red flag symptom I had been fearing came true. I'm not sure what to do but wait until tomorrow when my doctor is in