Hey guys, I am desperate.

My panic attack started 9.30am yesterday (Friday) morning, and still hasn't stopped. I have had the odd anxiety attack over the years, due to things happening in my life, and I am looking into seeing an NLP councillor. But in the past month, I have developed possible IBS, and am having to see a bowel specialist soon, so that has got me worked up. And yesterday, as soon as I got to work, I felt terrible, and hot and short of breath. Got sent home, felt awful all day and evening, I'm constantly shaking, hardly slept last night, heart racing, and am up early (for me) this morning and still feel awful. I have Diazepam from a couple of years ago, 2mg tablets, took a couple yesterday but they did nothing, I suppose because they are out of date. I can't wait til Monday to see the doctor, I can't feel like this for the next 2 days, shall I ring NHS Direct? I need to not feel like this otherwise I won't even be able to go to work on Monday, let alone see a Councillor, and both are very important.

Sorry, I'm desperate, I would rather be put to sleep and not wake up than feel like this anymore. My partner has been great but he is at a loss, he wants to help but doesn't know what to do. And neither do I.

Is it usual to feel like this for over 24 hours when you are in a safe enviroment? That is what scares me, I have always felt safe at home.