Well my fight in my head still goes on!!!I ask my pcp and my gi doc for more tests and they will not do anymore to rule out other causes of why i fill the way i fill with my numbness and gi problems and gi doc says the more test they do can be bad on my self well being and i i dont understand that he say that the state of mind iam in is not good to do anymore tests but for me i need them for me and my piece of mind its so dang hard to just get a simple blood test to check my vit-b12 they will not even do that now and i wanted to see a nero doc and they will not even give me a referal for that i have great med insurance i wanted to see a nero doc for my numb shoulder i have all day long and my dang hands falling asleep at night everynight now for the past two months now it real tuff to get good sleep with that going on!!!But i do fill better win i take a xanax when i get really bad do you all think that med is just masking my problems are could this really be axiety i would love some input on this?My gi doc says i have ibs i didnt know ibs can just hit you all at once out of the blue but they say ibs and axiety go hand and hand is this true?