This is not something new so I shouln'dt be freaking. I first had it about 14 yrs ago and have had it on and off since them - I can go up to a year without it. I was told its probably muscle related/diaphram spasm.
It is always the same I wake up one morning and as I turn over in bed I get severe sharp pain just in so below where your ribs join in the middle at front- cross betwen a spasm and very sharp. If I tense the bottom of my ribs/diaphram the pain goes but it comes every few mintues and is pretty evil. It usually lasts a few days easing off.
I do have very stiff achy ribs when i turn or staighten up and in days before this started this morning I was on hols sleeping in a very bad bed that was crippling my back and ribs so logic tells me that its muscle related etc BUT I do seem to be burping alot so am of course worryign that its stomach related instead. I worry this everytime I get it but 6 months ago had a gastroscopy to check my haitus hernia and nothing else was found.
Why do I worry so much when it is something I have had occasionally for so many years - I also worry it won't go away.