I get this badly quite alot and its a symptom of stroke apparently...

I sometimes touch things and the feel like 'weird' in my hands, like they r over-sensitive and the object im holding doesnt feel like it normall does. im like overl aware of the item and how it feels, my sense of touch just goes really funny sometimes and it can honestly last hours :(

Also, my visual perception changes, like everything is either far away or tunnel like or really strange to look at, almost as if it wasnt real or i was looking at everything through a fishtank, or that what im looking at isnt really normal. It freaks me out sometimes coz i can be talking to a friend and all of a sudden everything will go weird. Like everythjing around me will look and feel different. The sense of touch is very strong and very scary too. I get it5 all the time and it really worries me that i have MS or n impending stroke :(

Im getting an echocardiogram soon, as i convinced my cardiologist that an ECG is not enough to prove to me that im fine.. even though i know that once i get the all clear (if i do) then il prob want an MRI to prove i havent got MS, or some other brain disease. Ive had CT scan and it was normal but i know that CT scans only show tissue (tumours etc) it doesnt actually show brain disease.infection/.strokes etc etc.... ive had normal blood tests and normal chest xray, so so far so good. But i have sooooooo many nasty horrible symptoms that i have totally CONVINCED MYSELF that i have a horrible brain disease or heart problem. Hope i dont though, i have a 2 year old! x

Any help/experiences/advice much appreciated xx