Hi All,
Well I dont know where to begin. I have agrophobia which has caused me to be housebound now for the past year. I have tried hypnotherapy, councilling and reiki but none of it has really helped. I am just finding that I am constantly scared of so many things, I worry when washing my hair to the point that I have to have someone in the bathroom with me and immediatly after I rush to the hairdryer to get it dry as quickly as possible. I find I cannot be in the house alone, I do not like being in the house if someone that is not a car driver is there in this instance my dad and my brother, so I panic and count down the hours until there home. I am therefore finding that I am restricting the life of my parents and my fiance. I find that I can walk within 5 mins from the house but the journey home makes me feel more fearful than the journey out. I find I cannot travel in the car, every little thing plays on my mind. I am fearful of food, I only eat the same foods and if they are easy to swollow which has caused a dramatic weight loss. If a car driver is not in the house then I cannot eat or drink, I constantly think about how far away my friends and family are in relation to me. If anyone goes away then I panic as I think "well, what if something happens". I am just living in a constant fear that I just cannot find a way out from. I am due to get married in September this year but at this rate I will not be able to get my dress let alone get to the church and enjoy the day. I really dont know what to do. I have high debts and a low wage, I am now back living with my parents and I now have to work from home as I cannot make it into work.I feel that everyday is a struggle and not a day has gone by without me shedding tears. Does anyone here have any suggestins as to what I can do. I have tried my doctor who prescribed me tablets but I cannot take them as I fear something happening and a fear of not being in control He referred me to a specialist but I just could not get to the surgery. I have no idea what to do now but my fiance and my wedding day are just spurring me on and giving me the hope that I can get through this. If any one has any advice, I would love to hear from you and please let me know if anyone has experienced any of the problems that I have as I am feeling so isolated an I have no one to turn to as my friends and family have there own life and own troubles that I do not want to inflict mine on them and I really do not feel that they would truly understand. I am running out of options, so please get in contact, I would love to hear from you!
Thank you for the time you have taken to read my panic story.
Take Care