i have an interview tomorrow morning at 10am...
i have been looking to go back to work for some time now... it is at a very small college for young adults with learning disabilities... i heard it advertised on the radio and rang i explained i dont have any qualifications but that i have worked with children with special needs and now my kids were grown up i would like to do something a little different... this job will also allow me to study for a nvq...
i am trying not to get my hopes up but i do feel excited... no panic/anxiety etc...
the only worry i have is what to wear lol (well it has been a long time since ive done anything like this)
it will be on a shift system which will take a bit of working out as i will need care for my youngest (11) .
i would just like some positive vibes please to take with me...
even if i dont get it i will have proved that i have made yet anouther step by going and talking to these people.
thank you for all your support