I have recently started a new workout routine and am on my way to getting my pre-baby body back... I have gained 30 pounds with my 2 children. Anyway... I do cardio, weights, and abs... so sometimes I notice a tingly feeling in my side! It seems like such a strange place. I do have overhang on my jeans [:I] from flab... is it possible to get numb in your abs region just from having on tights jeans or healing muscles? I of course assume it is pancreatic cancer or some other deadly disease! I have stayed off the internet but in one of my magazines... a HOME decorating one... there was a man who's wife died of pan cancer and I know of a family going through it now... so the numbness is just sending me to poke at it ... so now my side hurts from poking! I'm such a nut.. just wondering if this has happened to anyone else... I'm used to numbness in legs, feet, hands... but now ribs and side???
Thanks for your help!