I've talked about this before elsewhere but I am having another bad 'do' of this bloomin rash and i wondered if anyone had any advice or comments.... i just started itching on my forearms and then it went mad, itching all over and a slight rash all over with some raised patches on my arms.. it is going down a bit now but it really panics me because of my health anxiety not to mention it's horrible!

I used premerthrin twice - two weds running as the doctor told me i had scabies (yuk!), and piriton because the pharmacist said it was allergy and the doc said i was allergic to the bites.... It just doesn't make sense to me! It's really doing my head in, going over whether it's something I ate, wore (I've changed!) washing powder, stress, hormones etc etc!! It would be good to hear of someone else with the same thing!

I'm really getting in a panic, really shaky and frightened although I don't know why exactly, maybe I'm scared I'll go in to anaphylactic shock or something - or its caused by something more sinister...

I am very stressed out anyway but if anyone has any words that might calm me down I would be very grateful!
