Hi I have HA and fret about most things with my body. The last few weeks I've been HA free though however last night I scratched an itch on my right breast and found what appears to be a small lump (not even as big as a pea but about half that). Sorry if its TMA but I am very close to getting my period and my breasts and tender and feel lumpy but this one feels like a real lump and it's kind of irregular shaped. I'm really scared. I'm 33 and healthy, no family history. I'm trying not to freak out. My husband knows I freak out and this time I Have tried to keep calm but inside I'm petrified. We fly back home to where I am originally from in early December for Christmas and now I have to think about what this might mean. I managed to get an appointment with my Dr tomorrow, but I can't breathe, I feel sick, I"m crying a lot and trying to keep a lid on it in front of my husband. Please can someone give some reassurance, I'm scared it could be breast cancer.