Hi Everyone,

The other day I picked up a leaflet about free English and Maths courses. I have been umming and arring whether to go on it or not. I have decided what the hell, I need to refresh my english as I didn't do very well at school.

The hardest part was to phone up and ask like details, for instances is it really free(not to just those on means tested benefits and OAP's) I had to write everything down. I eventually did it. The course starts in January 2011, so have to prepare myself for then.

I asked how many people are there going to be?(don't like group things) and she said oh about 10 or so people, so no huge groups phew.

All I have got to do now is complete the booking form and send it back.

I got really worried because she like didn't send the booking form straight away, I had visions of her writing down the wrong email address and things and having to ring up again. No I did receive the email phew, worrying over nothing really.

Not sure why I wrote this really. I guess just wanted to share.

Anita, xx