Hiya all,

From the age of 3 i suffered with PA, anxiety. I am now 12 and up in till 2 weeks ago i was doing very well.

My mum is amember of NMP, her user name is Jill and she said that i could come on here and ask for some advise.

2 weeks ago on the 17th Febuary, i had a PA in school, it felt like i could'nt breath, i started to get pains in my chest and stomach, i was shaking and scared of what was happing to me.

Because it happend in school, i am afraid to go back to school incase another one happens. My mum is trying her best to get people to help me get over it and go back to school but it is taking along time.

No amount of reasurence from my mum can get me back to school, that's why my mum is getting proffesional help, so i thought i would come on here and see if any of you can give me some advise.

Thank You for reading this, XHanzaX