soz this prob be my last post, everyone has left me now except lea we have something special. but it hurts to think that only one person in this world cares if i live or die.
my family didnt answer myletter which hurts. and with so much bad at home it is making me think.
everyday now brings bad news, it makes getting up so hard as i dread the next day.
even some people here i dont think care anymore so i lost the people who i thought was my friends which makes it hurt even more.
guess i never lost my friend the cider as that is there when i need it. a couple of my cuts have become sore and red so i hope i get an infection as that what i deserve/ ive eaten a bit tonight but i am putting my meals on a tea plate the smaller the better.
got a go now
sorry for all the problems ive caused i know now that i am a bad person and dont deserve friends and should be alone im losing the sight in my right eye due to diabetes so deserve that too that why i cant see anyone again.
soz real low tonight
bye everyone take care of each other
susie:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(: (:(