HI there.

I am sorry if there has been a post like this previously as I haven't scrolled back but I doube very much there is.

I was wondering if there is anyone out there with the same phobia as me, I have a fear or loud bangs, i.e. fireworks, balloons popping, party poppers, I used to bad with christmas crackers but can actually manage to pull them now!
I know this probably sounds crazy to some people but I hate it, when I go to parties, I just pray that there is no balloon's in the room and if there is that they are up high so no-one can pop them, because then I am ok, its the fear of them popping that I hate, I also pray that there are no party poppers too. When I find myself in situations where there are balloons or anything with a loud bang, I get really hot and panicy, for instance I was in Pizza Express on Sat night and there was a group of people in there that were playing with balloons, I was out with a group of friends and my friend Nic had to tell them to stop as her friend had a phobia of balloons (me), I was really embarassed and felt so stupid as I have never come accross anyone like myself, and they probably thought I was ruining there fun.....

I was just curious if anyone else has had this same fear? or know of anyone?
