Hi everyone, i have been reading posts on here for a while, and they have afforded me great comfort during the darkness of the last year, but this is my first post that i have made my myself.

The main thing that has kept my health anxiety going is the fear that i have about my heart. For about 3 months i had a full blown 24hr a day obsession about my chest pains, i hardly thought of anything else, and it was just awful. CBT has been an absolute lifesaver, it has changed my life completely, and i no longer have my heart obsession, although i do have health anxiety and constantly analyse every little symptom and think the worst of everything. My anxiety is not as intense as it was, if it was a 100 before, its a 50 now.

The thing that is still bothering me, is the fact that my anxiety and panic have lessened so much, i havent had a panic attack for about 3 months, but i still occaisionally get the chest pains? And this then brings the anxiety back a bit, and makes me think "why am i still getting these random chest pains when i am not anxious?" I would like to add that while these pains were still quite intense i took myself up to A&E and had an ecg and blood tests, and all came back fine, they just said i had swollen tense muscles in my shoulder.

I do get a bit of indigestion, which i believe is linked to my IBS. Otherwise, i am pretty healthy and dont have any serious health issues and none run in my family. Well, the only thing that runs in my family is mental health issues

I do believe that if i could just get past this heart thing, my anxiety would lessen even more and i could just get on with my life. Its so frustrating.

Does anybody else have experience of this? Even when you are not anxious, or have managed to get your anxiety down for a while, you will still get chest pains? Is this the 'normal' thing with anxiety chest pains? When you look it up on the net, they only speak of the chest pains caused by a panic attack, but i have had these pains while panicing, while feeling anxious, or just randomly while feeling normal!