I posted a few days ago about not being able to sleep due to adrenaline surges just as I am falling asleep - I can be awake all night.

won't go into all the details on this post othe than to say have had tests to rule out anything serious causing it - my Dr gave me a two week supply of temazepam 10mg and I also had a few Zopiclone left from years ago that were still in date.

The zopliclone works wonderfully but leaves you with terrible taste in your mouth all the next day and Dr said he preferred temazepam.

Last night I got home from new years eve party at 1am and was happy and relaxed - even my adrenaline surges were much diminished when I went to bed but I still could not drift off to sleep. I took a temazepam and yes I felt wondefully relaxed and heavy bodied but still awake! Eventually the effect of it wore off and then about 4am I fell asleep and slept till 10.30 this morning.

I am seriously worried how I could take a sleeping pill and it not get me to sleep - they should work within half an hour but was 3 hrs after I took it that i fell asleep.

I have had this problem many times over the years with not being able to sleep for up to a couple of months at a time and it really freaks me. Funnily enough I spoke to two friend I had been at party with and they both said they had spent most of night awake but they just weren't bothered or worried and laughed about it whereas I am in a blind panic that i will never sleep again.