If anybody could help to reassure me I would really appreciate it. So for Christmas I got a Wii Fit, and when I tried to do the jogging i started to get a central chest pain. Of course it worried me at first, but it went away pretty much as soon as I stopped jogging then when I started again, there the pain was again. So I put it down to muscular pain or something, maybe the impact jarring my chest muscles or something. That was about 2 weeks ago. Anyway, tonight I get the Wii Fit out again and tried running, and there the chest pain is again after about a minute of gentle jogging. It's right in the middle of my chest. I'm absolutely worried sick, I literally feel sick. I didn't keep going to see if it got any worse because I was so worried I was about to drop dead of a heart attack.

I'm 22 years old and have had several ECGs, a 24 hour monitor and an echo, but never an exercise test. I was at the hospital yesterday for an appointment and they took my blood pressure and heart rate and my heart rate was 157 (I was having a bit of a panic), but I didnt have any chest pain.

I went to the doctor today because I have had 2 dizzy spells now, one over Christmas and one today, both out of the blue when I was just sat down doing nothing, and the doctor didnt seem concerned. Put it down to low blood pressure or low blood sugar. I also posted recently about a scary episode of palpitations about a week or so ago where my heart was suddenly irregular for about 5-6 seconds.

Now when I put everything together it all adds up to some kind of heart problem, and I'm so scared. I don't know what to do. Please can anybody help to reassure me??