November 2, 2005 I had my first panic attack.

I decided to try getting over it on my own.. well with the help of a low dose beta blocker and low dose of xanax

I have completely cut out smoking, caffeine, drinking, and sugar. I do Yoga at least twice a week. I have done this for about 3 months. At first I seen no change in how I felt. BUT.. but! I have just went over a week without feeling nervous or panic.

I feel like I might want to come off my medicine also soon. It did take some time though and I know I might relapse some. I also have been working on making my negative thoughts positive, but I honestly think 99% of my anxiety was how I treated my body. Drinking every night and smoking and eating sugar all day..

Once I feel good for a few months, I might add back one piece of candy, but not for a while.

I just wanted to share!
