hi folks i have been away from work now with bad anxiety for 7 months now the longest i have ever been off had some very bad anxiety within that period so start of this month i decided to claim dla as i have had anxiety for 12 years now perhaps longer its only ever been kept at bay at times because of meds as you can all imagine.anyway i filled out the application myself online stating how bad i get as i am sure you can all imagine again im sure i dont need to describe this.i also put that i suffer from a stammer which i have had from a very early age which at times is so bad i can barely string a sentence together.anyway i got my reply today from dwp saying i had not been awarded anything mobility or care nothing i wasnt too bothered about the mobility but i was about the care it basically said,i dont need reassurance with my condition,i dont need to be motivated to do things basically making out there is nothing up with me and a "pull yourself together attitude" this has really pi**ed me off.now on the form it asked me to provide 2 contacts about my condition so i put my gp who has been great and very supportive for 7 months and also my cbt therapist who i have seen for about 5 sessions now.i rang back today to see why it had been turned down and also asked who had been contacted about my claim the lady on the phone told me all i can tell you is that your gp was not contacted about your claim and that it did not show who was contacted so the person left is my cbt therapist.now i dont know if it was him and if it was what has he possibly told them that has gone against me

some advice please

