Hi everybody,

I'm just after peoples thoughts on CBT. I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks on and off for the past 10 years. I have never taken any medications - because I'm scared of them and engoy a glass of wine or two!
I've tried various things, councelling, hypnotherapy, acupuncture etc..
They seem to work for a while and I can go for a few years sometimes without a panic attack. I've been pretty bad recently though due to a number of stressful and upsetting events in my life, so the panic attacks have increased and I have this obsession with being aware of my breathing all the time!
I've started CBT and have had 4 sessions now, but don't feel any great benefit yet. I'm starting a new very responsible job in a couple of weeks and Im getting in a real state about it! So I just wondered how long it generally takes before I will sart to see Benefits from CBT?
