Hi I'm back again :( I've been doing so well but it's always in the back of my mind that somethings wrong, I have a pain or sort of stitch like ache at the bottom of my ribs left side and in my left side sometimes I can cope with that if I knew it was ok
When I was examining myself one day (as you do) I noticed a lump at the bottom of my ribs in my stomach well it probably was muscle or just grissle etc but ever since that this ache has been on my mind hmmm driving me mad actually as I'm always checking to see if it's there etc which to be honest I feel lumpy bits all around that area so I hope this is normal

Anyway my neighbour came across lastnite telling me that the doctor suspect he has cancer as he has the same pain as I do only his is worse and he has other symptoms but you can see were I'm coming from can't you it's sent me into a panic n now I fear I might have the dreaded c if someone could at least tell me they get this kind of pain/ache n lumpy bits etc I'd be very grateful