hi guys,

well all in a nutshell- anxiety from hell 3 years ago- managed to battle through it somehow! and i was fine (almost ) for the last year or two, and even was planning to move to leeds with my partner (ive got a new job coming up, they are still finishing building work there so i still dont have a start date!), but anyhow, this last week especially ive been getting really ''funny'' turns again. spaced out feeling- detached from myself and on friday i got tipped over the edge. (me and my partner were supposed to go out for a meal then he got called to work, yes sounds pathethic but it totally cracked me, as it was the only thing id had to look forward for a while). weekend was a disaster- cryed and cryed, i should of gone down my pals but i couldnt be bothered to move i felt to crap and spaced and stressed. got to sunday night and was worse and decieded to go and stay at my parents house for the week. started 10mg cit on tuesday- i feel ever so slightly better tonight , im back at my own house.

the question being- do you think a bad couple of weeks is enough to warrant starting tablets??

also i have 100% been put off the idea of moving now, i think im going to ring them tomorrow and say i cant go. totally gutted this flipping anxiety has done this. i KNEW it would do it and spoil it for me. i 100% bloody knew it. looks like im destined to stay in this shitty emmerdale place for ever and ever.

hope your all well
