Just cant shake the thought from my head that i have a serious illness.

- About 10 mins ago i was brushing my hair backwards and when i did it the brush kinda hit the top of forehead on each side (something so simple like brushing my hair i cant even do that anymore without ending up worrying) now i have pains in my forehead on the left side just above eyebrow at the moment.

- Also my fear of cancer ( i woke up this morning with sharp pains in lower centre tummy- like i needed the loo pains but cudnt go to the loo.
Also sweating (i sweat A LOT! i get sweaty hands easily- i sweat when sitting down in my room easily) i used to sweat when i got out the bath and then the following morning ( i hate it because it means i need another bath because i feel gross and sweat smells :() also lately been having this thing when i put a jumper on i get to hot and if i take it off im to cold :(.
Also the other day when eating i got a severe pain in my right chest and right of my back which took ages to pass- also my stomach will make noises for half an hour on end- sometimes three times a day (this hasnt happened for a while but when it does there not hunger noises its something else)- i also get random painful lower back spasms. I also get pain in my ankles like there twisted (it is bought on if i move them sometimes) and then my two toes will squeeze togehter and become really painful ( had this before i had anxiety) I also get Pressure in nose and pain, tooth pain. i scracth my self badly in my sleep and have itchy skin and the little red dots on my skin at the moment are worrying me. Ive scratced both lower legs so badly i still have the scars. also thinking about it when i eat some food (tuna sandwich for example) it gets stuck in upper centre chest/throat and i have to drink to get rid of it (had this for ages before i was anxious)

bloody hell- that feels like a long post but i just dont know what to think anymore.