hi folks guess who,
yep me again...wot am i going to do everyone,im so lost.
Ive had 3 ecg's now, blood tests and yet theres nothink wrong-just a little above average colerstrol- ,i just dont understand..do you know what i am a great follower of anxiety and have had it years like i said , no every trick in the book that the minds plays ..but i am just so scared, depressed, anxious , and in dispair about the way im feeling..today i have had wht i think is eptopic beats, its like my heart firstly is going mental like you can see it jumping out my chest ... masif movement, you know the ones that any normal(quote un quote) can get from time to time andit makes ya jump dont it, well im getting them but today i've had it on and off all day and sometimes continusley like for around 3 hours, jumping out of my chest and in my throat ... i would even say bring back my panic attacks now, compared to this. Im on diazipan anyway for the panic which helps for that, but all the other symtoms are there in major force...
My family are good in ways apart from my dad who does not understand what i am going through atall,and starting shouting his mouth of yesterday when i was chattin with my mum,that didnt help atall and actually hurt(long story)
But i live on my own with my kids and im scared ,and lonley and at the end of my teather.
What am i going to do... can anyone relate...piglet if you are reading i know you went through this ,if i remember right.

Is this quite normal regarding my heart complaint as i dont know the difference between reality and not.

please be honest with me thanx xxxx

ashley xxxxx:(