So i have problems with eating and this has only started since my anxiety has been high i just dont have an appetite at all and get bad nausea with it bassically my stomach gets that tight scared knot in it i just can't eat i just go off food....
this can last any time from hours to a day or so sometimes longer and when i do finally try and eat after a few bites my stomach feels full up and i have badly trapped with or i get bad nausea and high anxiety again... am trying to push through all this so i can eat normal again....But how ??

i never ate much yesterday & could hear all the wind and that in my belly last night i woke up this morning and had a small bowl of porridge and now my belly is bloated with that pregnant feeling lol and the trapped wind, shortness of breath feeling & nausea ........ all just below my ribs how am i meant to get back to eating if this happens all the time and just puts me off eating again !!

if you suffer with loss of appetite due to your anxiety how do you deal with it ??
can you make yourself just eat??
how long do you go without foods??
and what are your symptoms when you do eat again??