Hi everyone,

A little while back i started having sleep problems. I woke up way too early and just couldn't get back to sleep. After a few nights like this, this started to make me really depressed and it's making me anxious all day.. So i went to the docter and he gave me Mirtazapine and a benzo called 'bromazepam'. The benzo did it's work and i was totally chill going to bed and could sleep all night. But as i don't want to become addicted to benzo's, i'm not taking them anymore.

I'm a little nervous to start taking the mirt because i've read alot of weird stuff here on the forum. I don't have social anxiety or any of that , i just become really anxious thinking of NOT sleeping enough and it's kinda making me depressed. Is mirtazapine a good drug for this ? will it take away my anxiety after taking it ?

Thx, Obsession