Three years ago a horse stepped on my foot and did something to it but it didnt seem to be so bad.Over the last few years at times it seems to have a swollen inside feel but that happens every so often but never does anything worse. Last year in June I went swimming and had flip flops on my feet with a thong between my first two toes and my feet got wet and the thong was hitting my inner toe.My foot swelled and turned blue and hurt really bad.I took ibprofen and kept it up most of the time for about a month or so and it finally went away.Well this morning I woke to the same feeling in the same foot and its one year later same symptoms. Could this be a blood clot that comes and goes or just an old injury swelling again like arthritis or something. Im kind of worried because it has symptoms of a blood clot. It felt really warm in the area of the injury for a little bit but this time it hasnt turned red or blue and isnt hurting real bad right now. Blood clot or??? Please help