I have just joined the forum to help me get through my problem with Anxiety and Depression. I have been married for 30 years this May and have been supported all this time by my fantastic wife. I have only just accepted that I am suffering from Anxiety and Depression and have been off work for just over 4 weeks, taking citalopram and having some therapy/counselling. I have never had this time off work sick and feel that I am letting lots of people down although an incident at work has triggered off this breakdown. I was in the Army for 26 years and then retired I started what I thought would be a stress free job and would be relaxing.

Unfortunatley my job is not like that and everything became too much on 11 May 11.

Since then my wife has taken the brunt of everthing and she asked me if anybodies partners where getting stressed by all the deep feelings that you have or found themselves needed to go to the Doctors for help.

Each day she worries about how I am and phones me to find out what I,m doing. I walk my dogs and go running.

Anybody got any tips or survival kit to help their loveones