I am feeling a bit tearful, it has been a horrible weekend.
2 weeks ago I collected my son from school, he has special needs and attends a mainstream school which also caters for special needs.....
as usually i felt panicky collecting him and as we were just walking out the school door this boy came over to my son and in a
retarded voice and pulling a retarted face said .........
Helloooooooooooooooooooooooo sam.
he was also pointing his finger at his head doing a curly motion as to say your mental.

Well I was so upset i shouted at the boy, i was shaking all over i told him to follow me and lead him to a memeber of staff and reported him.

My son has aspergers and his confidence is zero.....the last thing i need was a boy telling him hes stupid.

well on friday the school told me the boys father had been up the school angry about the way i shouted at his son.
This has really upset me and i keep crying, i didnt want to shout at the boy it just came out , i felt so upset for my son because he keeps saying to me ..........why am i stupid and is an easy target.

The school told me i shouldnt of said anything to the boy, but i didnt i just shouted follow me.....i thought that was ok, after all i didnt threaten him or touch him.

My panics really really bad because of all this and on top of all this i havent eaten since sat night because ive got food poisning from a take away.
Im really worried this has set me right back on my panic attacks and cant stop crying.
