Hi there everyone,

Hope everyone is having a panic free day : )

I have been on escitalopram for over two years now and was getting on really well with it, sure I had my dodgy days but generally my panic attacks had stopped and I was able to live a relatively normal life.

Anyway over the past two weeks they have started to come back, mainly if I am tired (I am not sleeping too well at the moment) or if I am hungover, which I know can be the case anyway.

I am off on my hols next week and am a bit anxious as to why the meds seem to have stopped having a full effect. I am going to see my GP on Monday for her advice, she is lovely and very understanding.

I just wondered if anyone had been on meds that were working really well then they seemed to wear off. Is it likely that she would up my dose?

Your feedback would be really useful xxxx

Lots of love
Blondesmurf xxx