Hi all

I thought I would get the NMP 10th Birthday celebrations Raffle started.

We have done this a couple of times in the past and it has not only been hugely successful but has been a lot of fun so I hope loads of you will join in.

How it works is that every member can choose one Raffle number (I have done a sheet from 1 - 100 so far) but we can increase this if necessary.

We then need members to donate raffle prizes (though this is not compulsory and you can still enter the raffle).

The prize can be anything at all. In the past we have had vouchers for Amazon, UK high street shops, art work that members have done, something they handmade, jewellery, smellies, cuddly toys, books, gift sets, donations to charity, adopt an animal etc. etc.

The member donating the prize needs to be prepared to pay the postage to send it to the winning member (to reduce costs for me) but remember that some prizes can be sent via email so no postage costs will be involved and shop vouchers/cards will be the price of a 2nd class stamp. I recommend, therefore, that the prize you donate is not really heavy or the postage costs could be quite high.

I appreciate that some members are not happy giving out their home address to a complete stranger so in this instance please try and choose a prize that does not need to be sent to an actual real address. If this is not possible then contact me and I will see what we can do.

The prizes will be displayed in the Gallery along with the donator's name. I will let you know once I have this up and running.

It would really help if you could email me a picture of your prize (if necessary) so I can upload the picture to the gallery. My email address is nomorepanic@btinternet.com. You do not need to resize the picture as I can do that.

The Raffle will run for the month of November so there is plenty of time to enter and find a prize to donate. We will do the draw in the live chat room on Saturday 3rd December (time to be announced).

To choose your number simply reply to this thread with your choice but please CHECK the Raffle number is available by clicking here

I will update this spreadsheet of allocated numbers as often as I can.

It will have to be done on a first come first served basis so you may find that your chosen number has already gone when you come to reply. In this case please just choose another free number.

I do have a few rules that I need to introduce following my experiences from running this Raffle in previous years.

1) If you do not think you will be an active member around the time of the draw date then please do not enter the raffle or donate a prize. The reason I say this is that in the past we have waited for members to choose a prize but they hadn't been on the forum for several weeks and equally we had members donating prizes but they were not around to be given details of who to send their gift to.

2) We will use a random number generator to pick the winning numbers and I will then contact each member in turn and ask them to choose a prize. Once they have chosen, I will contact the next member and so on. If you do not reply to me within 24 hours then I will move on to the next winner and when you do get in contact you can choose any of the available prizes left.

3) If at any time you wish to withdraw from the raffle (either as a player or a gift donator) please contact me asap via PM.

I hope we have another successful Raffle and Good Luck everyone.

P.S. I have already chosen my number haha.