Just wanted to say that i feel real proud of myself, after looking at the problems in my life I have decided to rebuild my business again, i dont like the job im in now as its causing so much agro. So im going to do what i do best and that is my artwork. So far we have put something up on a website and im going to start advertising. I have started drawing every day this in its self has lifted my mood so much, instead of going for the cider bottle i now pick up my pencils and start drawing, i draw anything but specialise in animal portraits, i was asked to send some of my pictures in to the site for all of you to see which i have just done, so i hope you like them.
I would like to ask you all for a favour im doing a portfolio of my work but because of copyright laws i cant show pics ive done from others photos, so i was wondering if anyone has pictures or pets or family that i could draw in return i would send you a copy of the finished picture. If anyone is intrested could you email or pm me and i will tell you what sort of pic i need, or if my artwork is put on the forum you will see for your selves.
I feel real positive that i can make a go of this, i did before, Lea has also been helping and supporting me in this and want to say a big thankyou to her xx
for the first time in ages i can start to look forward to the future, i had two letters published in magazines this month.
im going to work so hard to make this work, its the 25th anniversary of dads passing in august so its for him to.
thanks alot
take care
susie x